Thought Bubble Festival

The Big Weekend!

For all of you who did come, did you see us? And for all those who didn’t check this out!


Thought Bubble is one of the biggest events in the UK and this weekend we were in Leeds. The weekend was filled with comics, cosplay’s and lots of purchases of  cute postcards.


We made a neat set up on our table and took it in shifts throughout the day so we had the chance to have a go at selling items and then have a look round other stalls and talk to a few of the artists there.


We had all sorts on our table with a combination of postcards, colouring books, zines, prints, bookmarks and origami. These were made by the York St John Illustration students and we have been in progress making these items since we started in September last year. Though our modules and projects we do in our own time, we had a range of items to show people with themes such as children’s stories like Peter Rabbit and Wind in the willows alongside original stories like Rabbit and Bear. Some of these items took on a sci-fi theme with the idea of Terra Two which is a planet humans must move to with earth being inhabitable, from this idea we have created colouring books and character postcards and bookmarks.

Artists from all around were there which really gave the event a bit of variety as to what kind of work you were interested in seeing.


The amount you could see was amazing and the different styles were so widespread you could find something for everyone’s interests. Not to mention some of the cosplay’s people turned up in which was like an art all on its own and really was a great event for the cosplay competition.


Don’t they look great!

Check more of this out on our twitter and Instagram!


Thought Bubble Preparation

The weekend as a whole was a busy time with the event that is the Thought Bubble Festival. For anyone that doesn’t know this event is a chance for artists from all background to have a chance at getting their works out there and sell items.

All sorts can be made from comics and postcards to bookmarks and felt objects. Just a bit of everything.


Look at this determination!!!


Cute Bookmarks.


A small army of cranes.

For those of you who did see us this is just a small insight to the amount of time and preparation we did leading up to the weekend. We also have an Instagram and a Twitter page if you want to check that out I have put the links below.
